Friday, April 8, 2011

Negative ION Generator (Air Aionizer)

Contact: Narayan Das Jethwani, mobile: +91 092323 55432
patent pending
Technology license for manufacturing

through, “National Innovation Foundation India” (under
Department of science & technology Government of India)

Negative ION Generator (Air Ionizer) clean pollution free Healthy Air in your premises, clean yours indoor environment always day & night without stop free of electric cost (.1 watt only) Night lamp consumption is 15 watt = equal to 150 Air ionizers device. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture A recent study by the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture found that ionizing a room led to 52% less dust in the air, and 95% less bacteria in the air (since many of the pollutants found in the air reside on floating dust particles). Reduce and/or destroy bacteria, viruses and other microbes, Agriculture Research Service (of USDA) The Agriculture Research Service of the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture tested the effectiveness of ionizers for removing dust in a poultry hatchery. The dust level is very high in such an environment. In this study, the use of an ionizer resulted in dust removal efficiencies that averaged between 81.1 and 92.2%. The airborne transmission of salmonella (to the eggs) was also significantly reduced as a result. More than 5,000 Nos. web: site showing health benefits about Negative ION, in almost country?s Medical scientist has been tested & proofed that benefits of Negative ION, for Human Health Health benefits of Negative ION The astounding degree to which negative ions can contribute to good health is becoming increasingly apparent, as extensive research on the subject suggests. Negative ions are in the air that we breathe as well as in our bodies. They neutralize free radicals, revitalize cell metabolism and enhance immune function. In addition, they purify the blood and balance the autonomic nervous system, promoting deep sleep and healthy digestion. Negative ions also protect the body and mind from the harmful effects of environmental stressors such as Electromagnetic fields. See below for more on the amazing effects of negative ions. In order to ensure our health and well being, it is crucial that we surround ourselves with a sufficient amount of negative ions. In addition to using IMAZINE products, which produces negative ions and elevates their levels in our bodies, eating clean, healthy, alkaline-producing foods can also increase our negative ion levels. What are Ions? Ancient peoples recognized that the air is "electric," so to speak, but it is thought that the formal study of ions did not begin until fairly recently. In 1899, two German scientists, Elster and Geitel, discovered that there are particles in the atmosphere that carry electricity. These particles were later named "air ions" by the British scientist Faraday. The word "ion" was taken from the Greek language, in which it means to "go" or "wander about. Ions are invisible particles, either molecules or atoms, which bear an electric charge. Atoms, for instance, consist of an atomic nucleus that contains neutral neutrons and positively charged protons, as well as orbiting electrons that are negatively charged. When an atom is in a neutral condition, the number of protons (+) and electrons (-) is equal. When the number of protons and electrons is not the same, the particle becomes an ion that is either positively or negatively charged. Generally speaking, positive ions are harmful to the human body, while negative ions are beneficial.

Demo Video Of Device:-


  1. NAMESTE Narayan ji.
    Can you please tell me, in how much area does this ionizer is effective??
    Is there any maintenance after sale??
    Does it also produce ozone?? Or lead to create ozone due to some reaction?? And if it does, how much ozone it produces??
    As i know, ozone in air is good for health but to certain extent.

    Seek your response..:)

  2. Your phone is not reachable I need price of negative ion generator
